ECB welcomes Government's decision to permit return of outdoor grassroots cricket from March 29

06:00PM, Sunday 07 March 2021

The England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) has said it welcomes the Government’s decision to permit outdoor grassroots cricket to return from March 29, in time for the start of the 2021 season.

A statement said the ECB was working with the Government and Sport England on each step of the roadmap towards a full easing of restrictions later this summer. “Cricket plays an important role in many people’s lives and helps to maintain positive mental and physical wellbeing.

“We are working with Sport England and the Government on each step of the Government’s Roadmap. We will issue further guidance shortly on what each step of the roadmap means for the game to support players, teams, clubs, coaches and umpires to prepare in time for 29th March.

“We continue to work with Sport Wales and the Welsh Government on the safe return of recreational cricket as soon as possible in Wales. Cricket has a huge part to play in helping the country back on its feet and we will work in partnership with the Government to achieve that.”

The Government also confirmed that school sport and after school sports could resume from Monday (March 8) and schools have been given guidance on protocols they should adhere to, to keep students safe.


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