Council to vote on plans for two 12-storey office blocks in Slough

03:03PM, Monday 08 March 2021

Council to vote on plans for two 12-storey office blocks in Slough

The Future works site in Slough could see two new office buildings up to 12-storeys in height built – if councillors give the go-ahead.

Officers have recommended the members of the planning committee – who will convene this Wednesday (March 10) – approve the plans, subject to the developers completing their section 106 agreement.

If passed, the two blocks, known as building one and three, will be constructed next to the existing 14-storey Future Works office (building two) on Wellington Street.

Building three, which will be located on the western part of the site, would provide 18,036 square metres of floorspace over 11 storeys.

The car parking is provided within the building and would occupy part of the ground floor and a mezzanine above. Terrace areas are provided on the roof of the building.

To the eastern part of the site, the 12-storey building one will have a mix of office, commercial, leisure, and retail space – totaling 25,842sqm of floorspace.

Car parking is proposed at basement level and would be accessed using an existing ramped access that currently serves building two.

A pavilion building is also proposed that would sit between building one and two, which could be a new shop or café.

A scheme to ‘enhance’ both the public and private realms between the buildings, such as landscaping, is also included.

The developers have proposed a total of 128 car parking spaces – 65 for building one and 63 for building three – with 25 of those having electric charging points.

Over 150 cycle parking will also be provided.

These 128 car parking spaces fall below the maximum required for the site – which is 511 – but the highway officers believe this is acceptable as it will encourage future employees to take up sustainable modes of transport such as cycling or public transport, reducing congestion and pollution.


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  • be_ transparent

    15:03, 08 March 2021

    How can developing more offices in the centre of Slough "reduce congestion" ? - just a thought..... The highway officers working in Slough live in an alternate universe to ordinary folk so we don't take too kindly to being lectured by the A4 destruction mob who "encourage us to use sustainable modes of transport" - and then go to their allocated car parking spaces, jump in their cars, and drive out of Slough home to somewhere they actually care about.



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