Met Office yellow alert: Windsor, Maidenhead, Slough and Bucks braced for strong winds

10:53AM, Monday 08 March 2021

Weather warning: Windsor and Maidenhead could be hit by 'very strong winds' on Friday

The South East has been warned of strong winds later this week which could cause disruption to travel and short-term loss of power. 

The yellow weather warning for wind - issued by the Met Office - is in place for the majority of the UK, including the Royal Borough, Slough and Bucks. 

It will be in place from 9pm on Wednesday (March 10) until 3pm on Thursday (March 11). 

Strong winds may also be accompanied by 'heavy and blustery showers', the Met Office has warned.

High-sided vehicles on exposed routes and bridges will be most at risk, while some short-term loss of power and delays to transport services could also be a possibility.

Click here for more on the weather warning. 


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