Councillor announces resignation from Slough Labour Group during fiery budget meeting

04:25PM, Tuesday 09 March 2021

Foxborough Ward councillor Madhuri Bedi has announced her resignation from the Slough Labour Group.

Ms Bedi told councillors she was leaving the party during last night’s full council meeting regarding the planned increase in council tax for 2021/22.

She said she was ‘saddened’ by the decision to increase council tax bills by the maximum amount allowed following a year which has caused a ‘Tsunami of grief’ and challenges for Slough residents.

Cllr Bedi said: “There is no doubt the past year has been incredibly challenging. COVID-19 and lockdown has caused councils all over England to lose millions in revenue that is relied on to run services.

“Our Slough community in common with others has been severely impacted.

“In a year that has brought a Tsunami of grief, mental health concerns, high unemployment, increase in domestic abuse and huge financial burdens, residents would have welcomed a freeze or smaller increase to council tax.

“Had we chosen to do this it would’ve shown that we care, understand we are there at a time of great need.”

She also accused the council of ‘squandering’ money on its £39million town centre headquarters and said all decisions over finance, regeneration and assets within the council were being made by one person, Councillor Swindlehurst.

The council leader hit back and told the meeting he was not ashamed of creating a ‘world class’ council headquarters to help his vision of creating a town to do business in.

He added: “All the people who choose to leave us, the same fate befalls them all, you never hear from them ever again because the public don’t put their faith in traitors and quitters and splitters.

“They put their faith in people who stand by their principle, wear the same rosette no matter how tough it is and have the courage in their convictions.”

Councillor Bedi will remain in her position as an Independent councillor.

Local elections are due to take place in Slough on May 6.


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