Slough RFC to put on 'COVID-friendly training sessions' from next month

09:00AM, Monday 22 June 2020

Slough RFC are putting protocols in place for senior players to return for ‘COVID-friendly training sessions’ next month.

Matt Fenwick, the club’s director of rugby, is confident the club will be able to run small group sessions from the first week of July. Full contact rugby remains some way off for now, so the sessions will initially be socially distanced and will focus on movement, hand-eye coordination and fitness.

The club is currently going through the relevant COVID-19 risk assessments to ensure it is compliant with RFU guidance and can run sessions safely.

Further information on this will be released for players and members in the coming weeks.

Fenwick, who said the club was in a comfortable financial position despite the loss of revenue, signed off with a message of thanks for members and supporters. “The club would not be the place that it is without your support and I hope to share a beer with you all, watching the boys when the season resumes,” he said.

“I am sure you are all missing our little home at Tamblyn Fields.”


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