Royal Borough kids create recycling video

04:42PM, Wednesday 20 January 2021

School children from around the borough have got together to create a video explaining how recycling works in Windsor and Maidenhead.

Youngsters from Oldfield Primary School, in Bray Road, and Trevelyan Middle School, in Wood Close, Windsor, joined forces to create the video, which went live on Tuesday, January 12.

The four-minute footage provides a brief explainer for residents on what can go in each recycling bin, and where it ends up after it is collected by contractors.

The idea for the short film came from Oldfield Primary student Phoebe Ibison, and councillors at the Royal Borough helped her bring it to reality.

Phoebe said: “I am incredibly proud to have participated in producing the video.

“Recycling is key for the Royal Borough’s goal to reach carbon neutrality by 2050, if not sooner.

“Educating both children and adults alike on what can go in each bin is important for tackling how much waste the community produces and ensuring that our children grow up to be environmentally-conscious adults.”


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