Prince Philip undergoes 'successful' procedure in hospital

10:22AM, Thursday 04 March 2021

Prince Philip thanks key workers in rare public statement

The Duke of Edinburgh has undergone a 'successful' procedure at a London hospital, Buckingham Palace has announced.

Prince Philip was first admitted to King Edward VII Hospital on February 16, before being moved to St Bartholomew's Hospital, also in the capital, on Monday.

The Queen's husband, 99, will remain in hospital for 'a number of days' following the procedure yesterday (Wednesday), which was for a pre-existing heart condition, the Palace said in a statement.

The Duke, who turns 100 in June, was taken to King Edward VII as a 'precaution' due to feeling unwell, before he was transferred to Bart's, a hospital known for its cardiac care. 

"The Duke of Edinburgh yesterday underwent a successful procedure for a pre-existing heart condition at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. His Royal Highness will remain in hospital for treatment, rest and recuperation for a number of days," Buckingham Palace said. 

The Duke has had other health scares in previous years, including a blocked coronary artery in 2011. His latest stay in hospital is not believed to be related to coronavirus. 


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