Council makes u-turn on parking permit charges after receiving legal advice

12:14PM, Friday 29 May 2020

Council makes u-turn on parking permit charges after receiving legal advice

A councillor has apologised after it was revealed that the council was ‘in error’ by demanding residents renew their parking permits – even if their current ones had not expired.

Earlier this week Cllr David Cannon (Con, Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury) cabinet member for parking confirmed to the Advertiser that all residents would need to apply for a new permit at a cost of £50, following a council letter which had been sent to residents.

Cllr Amy Tisi (Lib Dem) raised concerns and said residents were cross they were being made to renew when their current free permits had yet to expire.

She also claimed that council did not have the powers to revoke permits under the Traffic Regulation Act of 1984. 

Last night Cllr Cannon confirmed this was correct following a council investigation.

During cabinet he said: “As lead member for parking I initiated an investigation into the issue raised by Councillor Tisi on Tuesday evening , as to the legality of the planned changes from free residence parking, to paid permits by the end of July 2020.

“We have received legal advice that the council is in error and therefore I apologise for the confusion caused to residents by this mistake.”

He said any residents who had paid for a new parking permit before their current permit had expired would be reimbursed and all affected residents would be contacted.

He added: “The new fees will only now be applied at the renewal of the current free permit or for a new applications .

“The revenue projected to be received from residents permits will now be received over two years rather than all in 2020.”

In response Cllr Tisi said she was pleased Cllr Cannon had apologised.

She tweeted: “I’m very pleased to announce that after @Bermangeworld [fellow Liberal Democrat activist] and I investigated, the lead member for parking has admitted the council made a mistake and res permits will now be charged only when they are due to expire. Anyone who has paid early will be refunded.”


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