Former Eton College house master convicted of child sex offences

05:45PM, Wednesday 25 November 2020

Former Eton College house master convicted of child sex offences

A Hampshire man has been convicted of a series of sexual offences against children which occurred while he was a house master at Eton College.

Matthew Mowbray, 49, of Locks Road, Locks Heath, was convicted today (Wednesday) at Reading Crown Court for the offences which occurred at the college between 2009 and 2019, involving 11 victims.

On November 18, Mowbray pleaded guilty to six counts of making indecent images of children and one count of voyeurism.

Today, he has been found guilty by unanimous verdict of eight counts of sexual activity with a child.

A Thames Valley Police investigation began last year following a disclosure from one of the victims.

As part of the investigation, officers found thousands of indecent images of children in Mowbray’s possession, ranging from category A to C.

He had superimposed the faces of boys who were in his care onto some of these images.

Additionally, he sexually touched a number of boys in their bedrooms at the college.

Mowbray was charged with the offences on March 3 this year.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Kathryn Webb, of the Child Abuse Investigation Unit, based at Windsor police station, said: “These convictions are a result of an 18 month investigation that was supported by a transparent working relationship with both Eton College and the local authority.

“The offences were committed whilst Matthew Mowbray occupied a position of trust which he betrayed.

“The victims and witnesses, many of whom are children, had the courage to come forward and provide evidence on very personal matters and in challenging circumstances.

“They should be commended for their bravery and take the credit for preventing Matthew Mowbray from committing any more offences against children.”

Mowbray will be sentenced at a future hearing.


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