Meals on Wheels branching out to Old Windsor and Datchet

08:00AM, Friday 20 November 2020

Age Concern Windsor’s Meals on Wheels service is expanding to cover Old Windsor and Datchet, as more people are showing interest in the service.

Meals on Wheels started in the area at the end of April. Over the course of the pandemic, the service, run by Age Concern Windsor, has seen a steady uptick in demand.

Delivering to people with long-term health conditions who cannot cook for themselves, Meals on Wheels has made a big difference both to the individuals receiving them and their carers.

“It can be difficult for them to get a healthy meal with veggies,” said Rachel Harvey, chief officer at Age Concern Windsor.

“We get some really good quality food for cheap, including things like sea bass and venison sometimes.

“Carers are happy because having us deliver meals, socially distanced, is keeping everyone safe,” she said. “At the moment shopping for food is difficult.”

Currently the charity is helping up to 10 people a day but has the capacity in its kitchens to help up to 40 people.

It is gradually increasing its volunteer base to match the growing demand, particularly in light of the second lockdown.

Though the charity has faced some financial challenges from COVID-19, it has been supported by various grants, including from the Berkshire Community Foundation.

The hope is that the Meals on Wheels service will be self-sufficient moving into next year.

In the future, the charity is interested in expanding further into Eton, Ascot, Sunningdale and surrounding areas.

Though this will probably not happen until next year, Age Concern Windsor is happy to hear from anyone living in these areas who is interested in the service.

Meals can be delivered Tuesday to Friday between 12-1pm. Meals on Wheels can cater to most dietary requirements, including vegetarian but cannot provide Halal meat or vegan meals.

To discuss options, call 01753 860685 9am to 3pm, Tuesday to Friday, or email


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