Norden Farm offers free poetry workshops during lockdown

07:00PM, Friday 29 January 2021

A new series of free community poetry workshops have launched at Norden Farm.

The project, Lockdown Town: Poetry Workshops, will aim to help people stay creative and connection during lockdown.

The project follows on from the successful All Write Together series of online writing sessions during the first lockdown last spring.

This poetry based project is led by Maidenhead resident, poet and author Simon Mole. Norden Farm is inviting the community to take part and contribute to a poem that they have commissioned Simon to write about our shared experiences.

Like the final All Write Together piece from last year, the final poem will be made into a film featuring animation by Scott Tyrrell.

You can get involved by taking part in these free workshops to explore your poetry skills with Simon, taking place via Zoom on Tuesday 2, Thursday 4 and Friday February 5 from 11am – 11.45am. These fun, relaxed sessions are open to ages 18+ years and all abilities. You can book to get involved in one, two or all the sessions, places are limited so must be pre booked.

At the Tuesday workshop, seeing things differently is the key and on Thursday, participants will be exploring the theme of place. Simon will begin each session with some fun (and quite silly) games before he guides participants through a step by step exercise to write a poem of their own.

At the final Friday workshop, participants will contribute to the writing of
a community poem Lockdown Town that Norden Farm have commissioned Simon to write. Simon will collate the words of the public and work with illustrator Scott Tyrell to create a poem and animation that reflects this time.

As part of the project, Norden Farm will also be hosting virtual workshops out in the community with a local school, and community groups Family Friends and RBWM Achieving for Children.

All Write Together is funded by The Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation and Arts Council England’s Emergency Response Fund.


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