CCTV images released after assault in Ascot

04:22PM, Friday 15 May 2020

CCTV images released after assault in Ascot

CCTV image of a man officers would like to speak to following an assault with injury in Ascot.

A CCTV image has been released by police following an assault in Ascot.

The incident took place at around 8.54pm on Wednesday, April 15.

The victim, a man in his fifties, was working at the till of Wavey Line Food Stores on Rise Road when the ttacker hit him in the head with a bottle, causing injury.

The attacker then ran out of the shop and made off in an unknown direction.

The victim did not require hospital treatment.

Investigating officer, PC Bethany Foster, based at Maidenhead police station, said: “I am appealing to anyone who has information that could assist with this investigation to get in touch.

“If you recognise the man in this CCTV, or believe it could be you, please come forward.

“If you have any information which may assist with the investigation, or saw anything suspicious in this area, you can contact us using our online form or by calling 101 quoting reference number 43200114187.

“Alternatively, you can call the independent charity Crimestoppers 100% anonymously on 0800 555 111.”


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